Wood sheng glanced at the fire clouds "good I will give you forty days! If you can’t find the trace of bluestar mouse after forty days, the commander of the northern star domain military region should also be replaced. "

"The elders rest assured! If this group of blue star mice are not hiding in a meteorite for silent wandering, I will be able to find them. "
The 40-day period is equivalent to a written pledge to fulfill a military order, but Huoxiao still left him a little retreat.
After all, if the invaders really landed on a meteorite and then wandered silently, they might not find it.
Wood sheng didn’t speak to look at another just coming from the temple hall elders smoke into inflammation.
They are experts in trans-satellite transmission channels.
"wood sheng elders can say for sure that no matter whether you find the exact reason, planet y is no longer suitable for building a cross-star delivery channel.
I will find another planet that is suitable for building a trans-interstellar transmission channel in the shortest time.
I expect that the conditions and distance of the planet will be further relaxed due to the weakening of the sun protection over the years.
If the elder can send the other half of the cross-satellite array core to the sun, my horse can complete the construction.
And before this time, I will conduct many experiments to ensure that the cross-satellite delivery channel is lost in case, "said the elder Yan Chengyan."
Mu Sheng nodded, leaving the last question, that is, the most difficult question-such as sending the other half of the cross-satellite array core to the sun.
This is well known.
The tower is regarded as the Eldar high-rise, and it is very clear how the trans-star delivery channel was established in those days.
At that time, the sun’s guardian was very powerful.
There is no possibility of passing.
It was the holy father who personally pointed out that the sun guardian made a strong counterattack.
Where the sun guards strongly against it, the guarding power is relatively weak.
Taking advantage of that opportunity, the elder virtual game took the well-organized Eldar’s top and strong cosmic passage and stormed far away for three months. Finally, when the sun’s high-temperature fire curtain fluctuated, he took people through the sun’s high-temperature fire curtain continuously.
The five-guard and nine-guard stars in a row were incinerated to ashes by the sun’s high-temperature fire curtain. Finally, the elder of the seventh main seat, Lei Xian, and the elder of the tenth main seat joined hands, and the elder of the tenth main seat, with Lei Xian, rushed through half of the sun’s high-temperature fire curtain first.
Then the thunder string crosses the residual distance at full speed.
It’s simple to say now, but it was extremely tragic at that time
The elder of the tenth throne was like a holy father who gave Lingbao protection, but Lingbao was incinerated on the spot.
Lei Xian, the elder of the seventh main seat, successfully passed through the high-temperature fire curtain of the sun with the protection of Lingbao given by the holy father.
But the price was that the spiritual treasure given by the holy father was burned, and his body was burned on the spot, so he was lucky to enter the sun with a spiritual body.
But when his mental body entered the sun, he was attacked by the sun guardian sniper and was seriously injured again.
But after all, Lei Xian is the Eldar, and the elder is really strong beyond the nine-guard star. His extraordinary speed and ability have escaped the protection of the sun.
At that time, the sun guard and the high-temperature fire curtain of the sun were not in their heyday, but they were much stronger than now.
A year and a half later, Lei Xian found a suitable position to arrange the cross-satellite array, which is the current planet.
Successfully built a cross-satellite delivery channel.
However, without a suitable body and a mental body, it was repeatedly hit hard. It was not long after the layout of the cross-satellite delivery channel was successful that Lei Xian dissipated and fell.
This is also the reason why Lei Ming was able to be the commander-in-chief of the Eldar Forward Base of the Sun Expeditionary Force and why Chijing was able to go to the sun in the first batch.
It’s all caused by these two elders Yu Meng.
Five nine-guard stars, strong men, two elders in the main seat, and two spiritual treasures given by the holy fathers, only at the cost of destruction did a cross-star delivery channel be successfully built.
The price is not huge.
Elves had only nine Lingbao before, and since then there have been seven.
What about now?
How much does it cost to rebuild a cross-satellite delivery channel?