Suddenly, Xiao Liu’s performance made Xu retreat to think of suddenly and violently Zhang sheep stranger and others.

They’ve been here for 3,000 years. Are they just as desperate for freedom as Primary Six?
Just to be on the safe side, Xu retired directly and put Xiao Liu into the dimension chain, and then the spirit moved the baggage and take the journey. "Principal, you go out to meet them first and I’ll go last."
Cai Shaochu also stepped into the whirlpool channel and disappeared in an instant, and then Xu retreated to send one coma Chinese elite out of the channel quickly.
Will go out one or two strong people in the non-union area and the Russian Federation area 3.
Thirty seconds later, after everyone was sent out, there were only three people left, Xu Ruirui Gabe.
"My Lord, where are we going?" At this time, Dreygber was extremely frightened and uneasy.
Imagine what kind of treatment they will suffer if they are allowed to return to the Maya.
It is very likely that you will be tortured and even searched for souls.
There are many life-saving means, and even the seven-satellite stars can erupt. The strong fighting force Naif is dead. Then why can the two of them come back alive?
Who believes it!
It’s strange not to be interrogated.
"So pretend to stay with me for a while before you care about it." Xu retired and made an appointment.
It’s the safest thing for these two men to slay and collect mental slavery, but they can’t afford to retreat. Maybe they will have it for the time being.
There are more leaders than dead enemies.
Moment Xu back with two people through the heaven small universe vortex channel at this moment the heaven small universe vortex channel has only one person through completely closed.
The last ray of light and shadow in the vortex channel of the small universe in Ceres Heaven disappeared completely at the moment when Xu retired a group of people traveled.
The passage of the small universe in heaven is completely closed.
This makes the faces of the cobalt-based people who have been waiting for the Muya people, Xiliude and Daxi, change
Daxi’s cobalt base is a little better, and less gold and titanium have brought back half the troops.
Bishop Cyrus was dumbfounded directly. Did none of them come back?
Spirit heads old water wisdom face has become livid from just fled back more than a dozen quasi planet mouth he already knows what’s going on.
Finally, the elite of Touling clan was destroyed by Huaxia clan!
That kind of mass destruction!
At the same moment, I saw that the face of the mythical Lord Wula changed!
Chapter one thousand and twenty-three Back pot and stained with dust
The moment Cai Shaochu suddenly returned, he just returned to Ura, the mythical master of Ceres, and there was some consternation and accident.
How did Cai Shaochu wake up and come back alive?
Are the Eldar stars so useless?
However, at that time, the mythical Lord Ulla still had a glimmer of expectation in her heart.
Is it possible that Xu retired and finally gave his life to save Cai Shaochu and others, and he died?
It’s possible
It would be great if such a result appeared.
The mythical Lord Ula is looking forward to it.
However, the appearance of Xu tui in less than ten seconds not only disappointed Wula, the mythical master, but also cast a layer of anxiety and shadow over her heart.
In particular, he was under great pressure to stand up for business.
His strength is very strong now, to tell the truth.
Especially his six Wei Lei extraordinary strength and other idle people can slay him.
But Shang Long really has this strength or the kind that can’t be prevented.
In an instant, the mythical Lord Wula’s mind turned and the crisis was great!
However, whether it is a refund or not, Cai Shaochu has just returned from the small universe in heaven, especially with 16 unconscious elites, and he is also involved in the overall situation, and he first paid attention to the mythical Lord Wula.
When Xu retired, the vortex channel of the small universe in heaven disappeared completely. At the moment, Cai Shaochu suddenly sounded if Hong Zhong’s general tone was shaken by the spirit.
"Mr. Co-base, this time we are very happy and let our two alliances become more and more stable.
I’m looking forward to the reunion of our two families. "
Cai Shaochu was in a hurry for the first time. The consul of Daxi nationality thanked Cobalt.
Hear thank you cobalt base a face of Meng force.
No, this time, according to their plan, the blue star Terran will not cooperate at all, but it is planned early
When the cobalt base is white, when should the blue star Terran be combined and when should the blue star Terran be severely fucked?
However, it is not clear about the cobalt base in the small universe department of heaven, and he has decided that the heavy cobalt Teng has not returned with gold and titanium.
This made him involuntarily look at Jin Ti and want to ask for details.
"Consul adults this I really don’t know! Since Tianmen in the south, Lord Cobalt and I have moved. I have been searching for refining the seal of heaven.
I really don’t know if there is a blue star Terran in Cobalt Teng’s adult. "If Cobalt Teng doesn’t come out, let Gold and Titanium worry."
After all, Cobalt Teng is a cobalt-based family. At this moment, Gold and Titanium are afraid of the disappearance of Cobalt Gene Cobalt Teng and are angry with themselves. They will pick themselves out first.
However, after Cai Shaochu said that no one in his team came out alive, Bishop Xiliude was anxious first.