Axia led all the remaining corpse brothers to another peak in the distance and watched with concern that the peak where all the floating soil, trees, weeds and corpse brothers were swallowed up by a black hole was now bare and hard granite was left at the bottom.

Awesome black hole! If you don’t run fast, you will die! Asha suddenly turned to stare at the werewolf Scott and said, "If you dare to summon the hell monster in the future, I will kill you!"
Brother Yan also stared at the werewolf Scott, Catwoman Kate and Vampire Bill with malicious intent. These three guys encouraged everyone to go to Beijing to eat the living, but I didn’t expect to rush out of such a disaster. Not to mention the fall of the living in Beijing and the black hole swept Brother Yan away, accounting for nearly one-tenth of the whole army of blood brothers.
Werewolf Scott took his time to salute Axia. "Master, we didn’t expect this result. As you can see, the wormhole will collapse into a black hole because the female corpse brother named Ling Lan detonated his own nuclear bomb. This situation is beyond everyone’s expectation. I don’t think it is likely to happen again in the future, because it is rare for a corpse brother to control a nuclear explosion."
Axia noncommittally hummed the werewolf Scott and added, "Actually, I think our attack on the Chinese capital this time is a success. For example, a nuclear bomb exploded in the capital, and a black hole collapsed in the Chinese capital. It’s a big deal. I think you and your leading blood brothers must have become famous from the current owner."
Asha’s face slowed down, and the werewolf Scott lowered his voice. "I think the high-level officials and the military must have hated the corpse brother. Whether you or the corpse king have become the object of their thorough eradication is true. In the future, we will bear the weight of the military, but at the same time, the corpse king in H city will also bear the military’s heartless attack. Isn’t this what Asha master wants?"
Asha stared at the werewolf Scott for a long time. "You’re smart, but you’re too smart. You’re also called such a person. No one will really like it."
Werewolf Scott saluted, "I don’t care whether my master likes it or not. I just want my master to recognize that I have a little bit."
Axia’s eyes are on the distant capital. "Unfortunately, I can’t see the chaos in the capital!" With a jump, Brother Ma turned his back on the mountains, avoiding the inevitable revenge of the military, and the brothers had to hide further away from the mountains.
The capital was really a mess as Axia expected and hoped-Xiushui Street shopping mall disappeared as a whole. When the black hole appeared, the densely populated capital was hurt many times more than a peak in the mountains!
Xiushui street shopping mall tiles! At present, there is a pit more than ten meters deep in the original site, and all the pipes and cables at the grass-roots level are exposed like a dirty beast.
Not only several blocks around Xiushui Street shopping mall have been greatly affected, as if the flat ground had blown over a typhoon wall of more than ten levels, but many civilians, married with children, were swallowed by a black hole.
Yu Xiaojia stared at all this-two giant spirits protected Yu Xiaojia and his party, but even Lulu was unscathed-but Linglan died! Bai Xiaofei, Xiaohui and Wei are unknown!
At this time, the blue ocean came along, and his eyes were very dark. The tunnel "Bai Xiaofei, Xiaohui, Wei and the military soldier Yang Yue, who were driving the giant gods, disappeared into the black hole after receiving the latest reconnaissance satellite image".
Yu Xiao Jiaren waved softly and fell into Xiao Pang’s arms behind her-she had a mental breakdown. Bai Xiaofei has always been the backbone of this little mixed team, but now he and his two girls are dead!
Xiao pang was so anxious that Yu Xiaojia held his hand and took a deep breath and struggled again. "I don’t know astrophysics, but as far as I know, entering a black hole doesn’t mean death, does it?"
Blue Ocean hesitated. "Black holes will absorb everything, including light. Everything that enters a black hole will be crushed to its original state, but after these crushing, everything will go somewhere and there is no answer."
Yu Xiaojia grabbed the blue ocean and seemed to grab a lifeline. "You mean Bai Xiaofei is still alive, right? Isn’t it? !”
Blue Ocean is full of bitterness. "I also hope that Bai Xiaofei and others are still alive, but I really don’t know."
Yu Xiaojia took a deep breath. "As far as I know, you and Ling Lan can telepathically cross the time distance-"Blue Ocean shook his head. "I tried but there was no induction-"
Xiao pang suddenly loosened Yu Xiaojia and strode to the outside. Yu Xiaojia suddenly lost support and almost fell down. She turned to see Xiao pang’s back and asked in shock, "Xiao pang, where are you going?" Come back soon! "
Xiao pang unexpectedly failed to obey Yu Xiaojia. There was a murderous look on his chubby face. He didn’t look back to the tunnel. "Kill Brother Li, I’m going to kill Brother Li!"
He paused. "Whether Bai Xiaofei is alive or dead now, he has left us-I can’t help him. What I have to do now is to help Bai Xiaofei finish what he gave his life-kill the corpse brother to protect the civilians in Beijing from killing. We don’t have time to discuss Bai Xiaofei here. Listen, people on the other side of the street are screaming at the corpse brother!"
Xiao pang strode out of the stomach and hesitated at Yu Xiaojia. "I’ll help him" also chased him out in a hurry.
Yu Xiaojia took a deep breath and closed her eyes. When she opened them again, she had recovered her former calm. She said to Lin Xinyi, Sun Xiaoxiao and others, "Let’s kill one more corpse brother together and save one more person!"
On that day, the war raged everywhere in Beijing, killing office buildings, government buildings and residential areas. They had entered the capital through wormholes. When the brothers knew that the wormholes had been destroyed and they were surrounded by the Beijing military and The Infiltrator, they not only did not escape, but became more crazy.
They took the initiative to attack the military and The Infiltrator devoured it in a very short time, and the evolution of the Vietnam War became stronger and stronger. Their ability to mutate multiple genes reached the extreme. Every rebirth made these blood brothers stronger and more difficult to defeat. Whether the military or The Infiltrator had to make great sacrifices to kill one or two brothers.
It can be said that the chaos in Beijing has made people see the real power of the blood clan corpse brother! Unpredictable multiple evolution is really terrible!
This multiple evolutionary ability of the blood clan corpse brother is Wang Long, and it was first revealed when the seal was lifted. However, in the later period, it was forbidden for the corpse brother to eat people and kill each other. This multiple evolutionary ability was suppressed by "corpse brother", which just became a name for these monsters. People just forgot that the name of corpse brother came from 72 changes-72 deterioration is the evolution of genes beyond imagination!
It takes hundreds of thousands of years for human beings to change from monkeys to upright walkers, and the evolution of life on earth has gone through more than one billion years, but Brother Corpse can compress this evolution to a few hours a day! Evolution, this is the real power of Brother Corpse!
Beijing disorderly let blood clan corpse brothers kill and epigenetic foreign aid cut off when surrounded by the military and The Infiltrator to suppress these invading capital corpse brothers broke out and swallowed up all their potential! Evolution! Reorganize! Not only those with strong multiple mutations, but also those with primary mutations have become more and more powerful through continuous evolution!
All this was not until Shenzhou-1 came from the city of H and put in naval guns to attack the blood brothers, which finally eliminated these blood brothers.
Chapter 524 Disaster comes to the wall.
At this time, a fifth of the capital area is full of bonfires!
Axia finally achieved what she hoped to achieve, and Yan Huang had a bitter hatred for her brother. Apart from great fear, it was a life-and-death war!
After a brief meeting, the high-level officials of Yanhuang unanimously passed a final resolution-eliminating all corpse brothers in this land of Yanhuang! We can’t leave any of them! On whether the corpse Wang Longqi, the female corpse brother Axia, the blood clan corpse brother, the clan and the dark clan all deserve to die! Brother Corpse, this creature is terrible, and they must not be shared by humans!
This includes The Infiltrator, such half-human, half-corpse brothers as Yu Xiaojia, Stomach Milk and Lin Xinyi Very Linglong!
The commander once proposed to banish these human-friendly corpse brothers from Yanhuang, because they have just worked hard to defend the capital, and many people in The Infiltrator have made great sacrifices in the battle. Without them, more civilians in the capital will die. It is ungrateful to shoot them now.
However, his proposal was quickly rejected for the simple reason that it is not my race’s heart. Whether it is a good corpse brother or a bad corpse brother, it is to reassure mankind that there is a dead corpse brother!
Yu Xiaojia is looking after Lulu in the military hospital. Lulu was accidentally injured in the last battle. A corpse brother took a bite from her hand. Lulu’s face is black now, and the military can’t afford an antidote.
Yu Xiaojia’s ever-flowing tears Lulu is everyone’s favorite baby, but Bai Xiaofei just sacrificed himself, but even Lulu also protected Xiao Pang and grabbed the military doctor and shouted, "Is there no other way to save this child? !”
The military doctor hesitated, "There are a batch of newly developed physical strength enhancers-you know, the fact is that the modified corpse brother gene can not detoxify the child after injecting the physical strength enhancer, but her constitution can resist the harm of poison to her."
Yu Xiaojia one leng "but, but in this way Lulu also becomes a corpse brother! No! No way! Although this child is with us, she has never been infected by the corpse brother gene. She is the purest human child and we can’t let her become a half-man, half-corpse brother! "
Lying in bed, Lulu suddenly opened her eyes and smiled at Yu Xiaojia. "Aunt Lulu is willing to become a corpse brother. Aunt Yu is a corpse brother, Uncle Stomach Milk is a corpse brother, and Sister Lin Xinyi is a corpse brother. You are all good people. Lulu is also willing to be like you. After the corpse brother becomes a corpse brother, Lulu can go to find her mother and live with her forever and ever-"Lulu immediately twitched and her face was black and her gas was heavier. "There was not much left! The child will invade her brain if she doesn’t treat the poison! "
Yu Xiaojia hesitated to become a corpse brother Lulu, and there was a dead word!
Yu Xiaojia opened her mouth and finally made up her mind to say, "I-"
The door was pushed hard, and the hinges of Dalian door collapsed. Several exquisite pieces rushed in, one of them picked up the bed and Lulu, and another person held Yu Xiaojia. "Let’s go!"
Yu Xiaojia puzzling "exquisite? What’s the matter? What’s the matter? !”
Exquisite pulling Yu Xiaojia rushed out of the ward, but she didn’t take the corridor. Instead, she smashed a hole in the wall with one punch, and then punched and punched a path from the room. Yu Xiaojia heard a faint gun and screams behind her.
Exquisite while pulling Yu Xiaojia to break through, "the military is trying to kill the corpse brother, I say all the corpse brothers! This is a war between human corpses and brothers! "
Yu Xiaojia zheng and then white and exquisite short words in the meaning of terror "oh, my god! ! You mean the military is killing all the dead brothers? ! Include The Infiltrator, which just helped that military defend the capital-us? ! No, and you! Linglong, you are also a corpse brother, but you are the commander’s daughter! "
Exquisite face as heavy as water "now I have no father and daughter with the commander. There are human corpse brothers! Do you know that?/You know what? The news of the war between human corpses and brothers was not told by my father, but by someone else-"
Then exquisite punched through the wall and finally saw the skylight outside. There was already a group of people waiting outside. It was Xiao Pang, Stomach Milk, Lin Xinyi, Little Dragon Girl, Haohappy and others who escorted them out of the military hospital with more than one exquisite.
Linglong said in a hurry, "There’s a helicopter parked near a Little Square, and we’ll go there from Beijing-"
Yu Xiaojia asked, "Where are we going?"
Linglong wry smile way "I don’t know that we are different people. Let’s escape from the capital first. Besides, now it is the time when the military is trying to kill the corpse brother. If it weren’t for the blood clan corpse brother war that consumed a lot of military power, we wouldn’t be able to escape anything. Let’s go!"
Yu Xiaojia watched a bird The Infiltrator flying in the middle of one day, but soon a missile chased him. A flame burst out in the boom, and The Infiltrator fell to the ground like a stone. She bit her teeth. "Go!"
Linglong led the crowd through the alley, listening to the increasingly fierce guns, and finally saw a helicopter parked in front of Little Square. There were not only helicopters, but also iron horse corpse brothers and six-winged eagle corpse brothers.
Exquisite to speed up the pace suddenly appeared beside the square an armored forces "live! What person! Brother corpse! There is a corpse brother here! " Immediately armored forces completely surrounded the square! The armored personnel carrier jumped several times and the soldiers directed their guns at the people who had just run out of the alley.
Go at the front chubby. Damn it! The military found out! Even if you can kill these tanks and armored vehicles, you can’t escape far if you want to blow up the helicopter with a shell.
Just as God was on guard, his fingers clasped the trigger, and the soldiers suddenly fell to the ground soft as if they were asleep. They clenched their double knives and were preparing to try their best to be chubby and Zheng. A figure emerged from the rockery next to the square. "Everybody, hurry up and fly helicopters along this channel. There are no defense forces in this area."
That man is blue ocean! It was his brain waves that put all the soldiers in a coma.