"Be sure to bring it!"

"You are slow, I will retire first!"
Sun Jinglong long one breath back out.
However, Zhang Qiang and others were dumbfounded with their mouths wide open.
Looking at Ling Tian is like looking at a monster.
Finally, Zhang Qiang couldn’t help but ask towards Ling Tian
"Ling Tian, do you know Sun Shao?"
Ling day shook his head while food light way
"I don’t know"
Shen Nana aside suddenly a sneer at a way
"I don’t know if people will give you a toast?"
"Elegant your husband is not honest at all!"
Sue elegant didn’t speak Zhang Qiang aside but felt something was wrong.
"You shut up."
Zhang Qiang reprimand angrily to a then walked towards ling day way
"Is Lingtian cuisine enough?"
"Not enough. I’ll ask the staff to add more."
"That’s enough," Ling Tian said while eating without lifting his head.
And Zhang Qiang has sat back to the theme and looked at ling day mirth way
"Ling Tian, who do you think Dong Tianye is?"
"Why haven’t I heard of it?"
Zhang Qiang is not stupid but very clever.
He has heard it from Ling Tian’s words.
Sun Jinglong is so polite to Ling Tian because of this Dong Tianye.
But Zhang Qiang is very strange to this name and has never heard of it.
This made him more curious.
"Oh, Dong Tianye is a friend I just met yesterday."
"You don’t know if outsiders say it."
I just met him yesterday.
Zhang Qiang’s smile faded away.
What is there that he doesn’t know about the background?
It was only yesterday that I met a friend after all this trouble.
I don’t care if I meet friends temporarily or from other places.
Most of them are accidental amusement.
Who knows who you are as soon as you leave Jiangzhou?