The meteorological conditions are too bad. The army and armed helicopters used to support cruise missiles. Although cruise missiles can be accurate, now the two armies are completely twisted. What should I do if launching cruise missiles to fight the Soviet Union is no different from fighting NATO Coalition forces? I sat on my back and racked my brains to try to come up with a way to turn the tide. Others were not as calm as he was, and they all quarreled. The commander-in-chief of the Italian legion, Lieutenant General Marcellus, cried sadly, "You should help me do something. Our legion is letting the Soviets slaughter them like mowing grass!"

"You were beaten, right? Our losses are no less than yours! " Lieutenant General Darrell, commander-in-chief of the French dispatch army, shouted angrily, "According to the latest report I received, our dragoons and armored regiments have been wiped out! The foreign legions are still fighting to the death, but they are light troops. They won’t last long. I demand that the army take off and bomb the Soviets and send all those crazy Soviets to hell! "
"It’s no different for the army to take off now than to die!" Cromwell, commander-in-chief of the British Dispatching Force, spoke faintly with a hint of schadenfreude. Yes, he just gloated. When the army of the St. Tucson Valley of the British Seventh Armored Division was destroyed in the African War, the whole of Europe mocked them. Now it’s his turn to laugh at these guys.
Lieutenant General Darrell’s eyes almost burst into flames. "Why can’t the army go out?"
General Cromwell said, "The weather is so bad that even the best pilots can’t say they can handle it, and everyone knows that the crazy Soviet Union troops can adapt to this kind of weather better than we can. It is very likely that they will be ambushed by Soviet interceptors and eventually shot down!"
Lieutenant General Marcellus shouted, "Then we can’t watch our 1 ST Army defeated by the Soviets and then slaughtered!"
Hannah will drink "Stop it! The Soviet army is a division-level counterattack, which will make you a mess. If 10,000 -72 s come at you, shouldn’t you be scared? See what you look like? Are you still NATO generals? The villagers and wild men are all better than you! Sit down and think about how to deal with the Soviets! "
The boss got angry, and everyone dared not say anything again and sat down honestly.
Tanks of the 22nd Guards Infantry Division in Dnieper River Battlefield chased Italian soldiers like a group of vicious beasts, and they swept the machine guns when they saw people, and fired when they saw vehicles. Some soldiers even abandoned the Italian army’s ram-type main battle tanks and drove for their lives. Italian soldiers were horrified to find that Soviet tanks were playing more and more, which made them extremely afraid and eager to find a mouse hole to drill in! This battle can’t be fought by the army. The officers who let the sheep go can’t find soldiers, but the division-level generals are surprised to learn that their troops are "all over the world". It’s really impossible to fight. Everyone can escape to the German Fourth Grenadier Division, hoping to scare the Soviets to save their lives by using the prestigious name of the German armored forces!
A fire burst from the ground, and the body of a ram tank that was running happily shook violently. A piece of track flew far away with mud, and soldiers from the turret became flying trapezes one by one.
Boom !
Another ball of fire, an armored vehicle was blown over, and there was a big crack in the chassis. The soldiers in it were either killed or deaf.
Boom ! !
This time it’s even worse. A truck was blown up, and half a car of Italian soldiers were blown up all over the sky, and their limbs were scattered hundreds of meters away!
"There are mines!"
"It’s an anti-tank mine!"
"There are anti-tank mines everywhere!"
The Italian soldiers jumped out of the car and ran away in horror. Damn it, the Soviets laid mines behind them. It’s disgusting. They won’t leave them any way! Soviet tanks will chase behind and bypass the minefield, so they won’t be able to come. Let’s throw away the vehicle and run away on foot. At the same time, pray that your weight will not exceed the standard, and don’t make a feat of stepping on anti-tank mines! The Soviet army chased after the machine guns and strafed the Italian soldiers to escape faster. The last few tanks that dared to resist the ram have been reimbursed and all the people have fled. The tanks and armored vehicles on the ground have become the battle advantage of the 22nd Guards Infantry Division!
Yes man learned that the 13th Guards Infantry Division had given him support when the Soviet troops drove away those tanks and armored vehicles with joy. The 12th Heavy Armored Battalion had arrived, and it was difficult for the 4th Grenadier Division, which was likely to hit Germany, to cope with the loss of tanks. Senior Colonel Culic hurriedly asked the 12th Heavy Armored Battalion to come.
Of course, his good luck stopped there. As soon as he put the microphone on, he heard the shells whistling at high speed, followed by a loud bang. About 200 meters away from him, a pillar of fire with a height of 20 or 30 meters rose, and several small figures kites seemed to be blown high by air billow! This is just the beginning of the battlefield. In the exclamation of radar soldiers’ loss, the rows of shells screamed and broke, and the loud noise in the Soviet army shocked the Soviet army to stagger. Many equipment was hit by heavy artillery fire, which caused a big explosion. The Soviet army screamed and scattered shrapnel and the explosion shock wave. Culic senior colonel was hit by air billow. A thin face was staggered, and there was no trace of blood. His eyes were red with the explosion fire. He bit his teeth and said, "Hum Germans!"
"Hum the Soviets!"
Twenty sp7-type 155mm self-propelled guns fired at an astonishing rate of three rounds in ten seconds. The Soviet troops who were busy packing up the war were pouring out powerful shells. Every shell fell, and more than a dozen Soviet soldiers were severely cut down by the sickle of death. In the deafening guns, the tracks of Leopard 2a4 main battle tanks painted with iron cross marks rolled into the complicated eyes of Italian soldiers and rolled forward to the 22nd Guards Infantry Division! After more than 40 years, the Soviet Union and the German army, the two strongest armies in Europe, met again in a narrow road and collided fatally in Eastern Europe. The difficulty is that the Soviet iron fist is of course a little overwhelmed. What about rammstein? After decades of peace, can it still crush everything as it did during World War II?
At the same time, the famous Double-headed Eagle, the 4th Mechanized Infantry Division, also exchanged fire with the 13th Guards Infantry Division. The 4th Mechanized Infantry Division is probably the most powerful infantry division in the world. There are nearly 300 highly digitized fire theory equipment in the main battle tank alone. This is the most powerful iron fist of the Double-headed Eagle Army. The 13th Guards Infantry Division dared to beat the French black and blue in front of them, which made the 4th Mechanized Infantry Division feel that it was very embarrassing to make a precise hand. The guided artillery shells were flying all over the sky. The 1a1 main battle tank pushed the 13th Guards Infantry Division into a wave like a flood. However, this battle was not as devastating as they imagined. They had just defeated the vanguard troops of the 13th Guards Infantry Division when Soviet b-3 rockets swept over. The anti-tank mother bombs flew all over the sky and blew up a tank company. As soon as the emergency artillery suppression of the howitzer battalion was fired, the Soviet 152mm howitzer fired rocket extended-range shells and smashed them. In just one minute, nine 19 paladin self-propelled artillery pieces were blown to scrap metal! Later, some Soviet self-propelled artillery guns with a caliber of 23 mm and a diameter of 52 times also roared, flying wherever there were many people. An infantry battalion eager for meritorious service was covered by artillery fire, and in a short time, hundreds of casualties had to be withdrawn. After a few moves, the Fourth Mechanized Infantry Division knew that it had touched its colleague, the 231st "Swatogol" of the Soviet Union.The digital infantry division must have sent many digital infantry to take part in this counterattack. These digital infantry hid in the dark, and the small battlefield radar monitored their every move, guiding passive guided artillery shells to attack each of their nodes. It was impossible to chew the 13th Guards Infantry Division before destroying these digital infantry squads, and it was impossible for the 13th Guards Infantry Division to let them eat those digital infantry easily. This battle was not easy!
After learning that the 4th Mechanized Infantry Division played against the 13th Guards Infantry Division, the atmosphere of NATO Army Command suddenly became relaxed. Some people were very confident that the 4th Mechanized Infantry Division won the 13th Guards Infantry Division. Did you not listen to the double-headed eagle saying that this division was resisting alien invasion? The Soviet army is a bird! The 7th Infantry Division, the 1st Riding Division, the 1st Marine Division, etc. also recovered from the chaos and prepared for a powerful counterattack against the Soviet Union. In a word, the situation just changed, and Hanna will smoke cigars again. If he is in a bad mood, he will never smoke.
They laughed a little early.
Lieutenant General Marcellus stormed in and shouted, "Sue Soviets have surrounded the 17th Infantry Division of the 1st Legion, and the situation is extremely critical!"
Hanna will smile, "Dear Marcellus, calm down. The fourth German grenadier division has gone to the top, so you can turn the corner."
Marcellus said, "But …"
Hanna will say, "No, but my friend, you have to believe that our comrade-in-arms rammstein will be able to turn the Soviet sickle into a twist. Just wait for the fourth grenadier division to kill the polar bear and avenge you!"
German Major General von Burke walked in with a sullen face, punched the table with a heavy fist and made a loud noise, which startled everyone. General Cromwell asked, "What’s the matter?"
Lieutenant General Darrell said, "Hans, calm down!"
Major-General von Burke gritted his teeth and said, "I really don’t know if the division commander of the Fourth Grenadier Division was replaced by a pig brain in the hospital as advanced as an elite soldier. A tank was damaged and less than half of the infantry division was defeated by the Soviet Union in less than an hour!"
"Nani! ?”
"How is it possible! ! !”
Major-General jumped up like a NATO general before he finished speaking. I can’t believe it. I exclaimed. Are you kidding? A polar bear division defeated several times as many as their first Italian legion in a few hours, and then defeated a German grenadier division in less than an hour. Are all Soviet soldiers superman or do they have apocalyptic tanks? How terrible! When I think of myself, I will probably bump into this terrible opponent. Everyone can’t help but scream "butterfly!"
Hannah’s face was completely frozen with laughter, and his lips were trembling. The half-smoked cigar was crumbling. He was shaking like a leaf in the autumn wind. He pulled out his hand and bit his mouth and asked slowly, "Is this true?"
Major General von Burke nodded heavily and Lieutenant General Marcellus said, "Actually, I just wanted to say that the Fourth Grenadier Division was defeated in less than an hour after the exchange of fire with the Soviet Union." Only by myself could I hear the voice saying, "It collapsed faster than us!"
Everyone is speechless, and the glass heart is broken all over the floor. Hans, we are very optimistic about you. How could you do this? It’s disappointing that even the Italian legion is not true! Hanna swept his complicated eyes from Major General von Burke’s expressionless coffin face and slowly put the cigarette into the ashtray. His voice was hoarse and low. "I was beaten by the Soviet Union and bombed the camp without even a shell. I didn’t want to fight hard with the Soviet Union and wanted to pick up some cheap things from behind!"
Many generals, look at me. I’ll look at you. Hanna will burn more and more brightly. He ran out in anger and then conveniently gave the door to Lieutenant General Darrell. "Which bastard gave the door so quickly?" I also want to go out! "
General Cromwell’s novel "Shut up! Don’t you see the smoke on the old man’s head?"
Hannah swept her eyes as if she were going to kill people, scaring these two twenty-year-old lieutenant generals who were younger than him to shut up quickly. Even a fool could see that his anger had reached its limit. Who dares to whisper in front of him? The old man is absolutely unreasonable to see one destroy the other!
Major-General von Burke had to fight with the fourth grenadier division like a javelin without saying a word. It was like slapping him in the face. He had nothing to say. Hanna would give him a hard look and slap him on the table. Bang! There are a few thin cracks on the desktop. I didn’t see that the old man had practiced iron sand palm. Pei then three unlucky generals found themselves seriously underestimating their strength. He not only practiced iron sand palm but also practiced lion roar.
"Slag! It’s all slag! ! A group of fighting capacity is less than five dregs! ! ! Why did you let this group of scum into NATO in the first place! ?” "What Roman sword? What Germanic chariot? What Gaul hero? Slag! It’s all a pile of slag with fighting capacity less than five! Even the Soviet militia can’t beat the slag! "
Terrible roar resounded throughout the headquarters, making the generals who were eavesdropping outside the door tremble with fear. God only knows whether Lieutenant General Hangner’s old ghost belt has been modified by aliens or has practiced the unique skill of King Kong’s Lion Roar with the Shaolin Temple monks. He roared loudly and stood up to the blockbuster headquarters, but those national generals who lost the battle trembled even more. Actually, compared with those unlucky people who were being trained inside the headquarters, they were lucky to be separated by a thick anti-tank rocket. Don’t move the steel door, you don’t have to directly face Hannah’s anger, but Lieutenant General Darrell and others are different. They have to face a facial distortion, red skin and eyes that are as big as cows’ eggs, and almost sparks will come out to anger. His old man can shock the fish in the sea to jump off the shore, commit suicide, roar with saliva, and make them mad, regardless of these poor people’s feelings, waving their arms and spraying them hysterically one by one, as if they forget that the other side is their ally, it is not his real belonging-of course, if you are a waste department, you
"When the Allies were selected, how could you help a weaker guy to mix in! A legion of 40,000 to 50,000 troops, the Soviets collapsed in a single assault, and it was not so easy to drive sheep! The foreign legion, the dragoon armored division and the ninth armored division add up to 20,000 to 30,000 troops. What about the result? The Soviets beat you to death with one assault and wiped out the dragoons armored regiment! This is our heavily fortified area to annihilate one of our armored regiments * * naked face! Does your face hurt? Does your face hurt? I hurt! It hurts! And didn’t that fucking fourth grenadier division claim to be the first division of the German wehrmacht? As a result, the Soviets beat them up in less than an hour! Can you tell me what else you care about in NATO besides hitting on Polish and Ukrainian girls? I am so angry! " Hanna will look like a madman and scream. "The five dregs of war like you should have thrown you to feed Stalin! ! !”
A few unlucky people took a step back in horror and looked at the long-haired old man’s legs and stomach trembling-this cargo is not possessed by the head of state, is it? Lieutenant General Marcellus boldly said, "Actually, our 1st Legion played quite well …"
"The 1st Legion still played quite well?" Hanna will repeat that he grabbed a pack of cigarettes and threw it at Marcellus angrily. "Forty or fifty thousand men let people beat the sheep for three or four hours against a division. Is this still quite good? Then can you tell me what kind of failure is bad! ?”
The old man showed his unique skill to pick Ye Fei flowers again! It’s a light cigarette case that actually smashed Lieutenant General Marcellus’s nosebleeds out. Even if the sea wolf commandos were invited, they would be dumbfounded! Lieutenant General Marcellus covered his nose and screamed at General Cromwell. He almost laughed. The fool asked for help. He didn’t see who the old man had caught and killed. How dare you talk back? Die! Although he didn’t laugh, the smile on his mouth couldn’t be concealed from Hannah. It was enough for him to snigger like a bucket of oil to pour on the old man’s head. Anger rose and rushed up to 3,000 feet. He not only picked up a water cup, but also whooshed it according to General Cromwell and threw it at him. Even throwing two smelly leather shoes at the president of the eagle country at a close distance made people jump around easily. In addition to sending himself into the bureau, a loser reporter fired a tearful shot at a different old man. He told me that there was a spell of cold light flashing at Tangmen, Sichuan, and General Cromwell ! ! Don’t, I don’t know. One of your Langerka infantry brigades is just behind the Soviet side. It is impossible for the Soviet army to attack the 13th Guards Infantry Division so impudently. Why doesn’t this brigade move? Huh? What’s not moving? Don’t, I don’t know what’s on your mind. This war is the fate of NATO as a whole. If you dare to play the trick of weakening your competitors by using the enemy’s hands during World War II again, you will be destroyed first! "
General Cromwell’s face is quite wonderful now. Distilled water, cold sweat and blood beads come out together, and they are dripping like red paint. He dare not stretch out his hand to wipe his head like a chicken pecking rice. "Our communication channel of Langerka Infantry Brigade has been strongly interfered by the Soviet Union, and now it has recovered. I’ll order Langerka Infantry Brigade to launch a containment offensive against the Soviet rear wing and cooperate with the Fourth Mechanized Infantry Division to completely annihilate them!"
Hannah will praise his attitude. "Don’t go! Wait for me to give you a medal! ?”
Although the Brits are uncomfortable with the habit of always being apart from themselves and trying to screw everything up so as to maximize their own interests, it’s still a bit sad to see the Duke of a country being yelled at like a general of France, Germany and Italy. Alas, the cold war situation is getting worse and worse, but the boss is becoming more and more difficult to serve. What should I do? General Cromwell’s eyes even burst into a ray of cold light. Although this gentleman still maintains a critical and elegant manner, his heart is so angry that no country dares to be so polite to the British general! Damn it, Citigroup bastard dares to insult him like this. If he had changed the time and place, he would have drawn his sword and fought him! So the boss can really be rich together!
Of course, Angry John Bull won’t think it’s wrong to deliberately protect his strength and weaken his allies by using the enemy’s hands. So many wars have been fought in Britain. It’s been hundreds of years. Don’t tell me you’re still unprepared for this! Damn it, the two-headed eagle caught these little problems and embarrassed him. Damn it, the two-headed eagle!
Major General von Burke stared at Lieutenant General Marcellus with a fierce look as if he were ready to rush and peck at each other! Marcellus’s eyes glistened and shrank away from his eyes, and they both looked very subtle, which was understandable. The Italians contributed to the defeat of the fourth grenadier division so badly and so quickly.
Although he claims to be a descendant of the Romans who once dominated Europe, Asia and Africa, it seems that the Italian battlefield performance is not the same as that of the Romans. What about the Italians? It’s a little sad to say. If Caesar, Belisarius and Scipio Africanus, these famous men, Quan Youzhi, are expected to jump out of the grave and strangle these losers’ offspring.
In the Middle Ages, Italy established a series of merchant republics by virtue of developed shipbuilding and navigation technology. The most famous one was Venice, which was rich as a dog. It once joined hands with the Crusaders to attack the eternal city of Europe-Constantinople. At that time, Venice had the most powerful navy in Europe. When the Mediterranean area was finished, whoever was not pleasing to the eye would be destroyed. If it threatened their commercial interests, it would be even crazier than the current double-headed eagle. Venetians were not only developed in navigation technology, but also developed in banking. China, France, Germany, the Netherlands and other countries have all lent money to them to banish the army, and the amount is huge. That’s called a Venetian banker. The black interest rate is as high as 30%, and the procedure is as high as 20%. You can finally get 100,000 yuan with a loan of one million yuan, but when you repay the loan, you have to honestly press one million yuan to lose one. You can’t do it. Default? Whoever dares to default will drive the warship to his door with a sword and a crossbow and teach him that honesty is the soul of business. Without honesty, business can’t be done!
No one can stand this kind of usury. In the end, Britain, France, Germany and the Netherlands can’t pay their debts, so they can unite and send an army to Venice to force the Venetians to write off their debts …
In any case, the Italians, the main city gangs of Venice, Pisa and Genoa in the Middle Ages, were still very awesome, but not in modern times. The state structure of the Italian peninsula was doomed that they could not form a powerful country. Although Venice, Genoa also tried to form a powerful country by kneading many city-states, but the city-state political model has a long history. Every attempt failed, and each time it was worse than the last. After hundreds of years, Italy is still a scattered city-state. This small country and sparsely populated city-state system is beneficial to democracy, but it is a mistake for the whole country and the whole nation. It is doomed to be eliminated in Europe in the era of great navigation and ball colonization. Every city-state is endless year after year. In order to wrangle, it consumes too much energy and strength for each other, which makes Italy develop the new world. A series of earth-shattering great events, such as opening the sea, the Silk Road, ball colonization, and so on, ended in the wind, which was quickly left behind by Britain, France, Germany, Holland and other countries. Later, the huge wealth accumulated by the city-states over the centuries became the coveted goal of European countries, and one city-state after another fell in the guns. The amazing wealth became the national battle, and in the end, all Italy became an Austrian colony until garibaldi led the red shirts to launch the first shot against the Austrian colonial rulers. It’s a pity that it’s too late for the Venetians to inherit from the Roman Empire, and the blood has been exhausted. If the Romans are fierce lions and the Venetians are greedy and tenacious wolves, then the Italians can be called noodles look hard, and when they are cooked, they will become soft. Although World War II,The Italian army has also fought many beautiful battles and even fought a few battles with the Soviets, but on the whole, they are a team player and specialize in cheating Germans 2.
The first was to attack France. At that time, the French army and army had been defeated by the German flash war, and the British and French allied forces were almost driven out of the sea. Italy dispatched 32 divisions to join the fray, and the German army attacked the French-Italian border before and after a week, but it failed to force the French army with only six divisions to take a step back!
Then came the blitz against Greece. The Italian army failed to seize an inch of land from the Greek army, but was beaten back by the Greek army into Albania for 30 to 40 kilometers. Twenty-seven divisions were surrounded by 16 divisions in Greece. If the Germans couldn’t watch it, fifteen divisions were dispatched to join the battlefield. It is estimated that the Italians would die very badly.
Of course, these are still minor problems. The most pitfall is the Battle of Stalingrad. A Soviet army swam from the Don River to the Italian 1st Regiment and launched an attack. In just three days, the Italian army opened a big gap with a width of 90 kilometers. More than 200,000 Italian troops escaped completely, exposing the German flank and exposing the muzzle of the Soviet tank. Then …No. Then, this was the most deadly defeat that Germany had suffered since World War II.
After enjoying these "wonderful" war cases, it is not difficult to find that Italy is not the only one who has been caught in a mass grave, but who has also been trapped in Germany twice in a row, not to mention that the Romans, even Venetians, would have wanted to strangle them. Of course, some of their battles were tenacious and heroic, which really made the British and Soviet troops suffer several times, but it was too rare for people to break out and fight a few liters of chicken blood. The teammates in the pit were king! Although I have been in Germany twice, the Italians are not satisfied, not to say that it is only three times. This is not enough for three times. No, we must make up enough for three times!
So the fourth grenadier division was a tragedy.
The detailed process of the first confrontation between the 4th Grenadier Division and the 22nd Guards Infantry Division is as follows.
The 4th Grenadier Division dispatched more than 60 Panther 2a4 main battle tanks. The Soviet army was busy moving the battle machine and suddenly launched an attack. The attack came suddenly and sharply. A heavy artillery battalion violently bombarded the 22nd Infantry Division in a few minutes and destroyed seven tanks. More than 300 Soviet soldiers were killed and injured. The German tank group took the opportunity to cover up and kill them. The 12 mm high-pressure musket guns fired thunderous fireballs at the sudden enemy, and they could see that all the Soviet tanks were ablaze. The Soviet army hastily retreated. Even if it could not annihilate the Guards Division, it would be necessary to keep half of them!
So I ran after him.
However, when they chased after them, their backs suddenly rumbled and guns chased after them. One by one, Leopard 2a4 main battle tanks were shot in the ass and missed. Looking back, they almost didn’t vomit blood. A few ram tanks were crazy and seemed to fire at them. The machine guns will sweep the German infantry with the progress of the tanks! I don’t want to. Before they launched the attack, the Soviets got into these tanks and hid. This is the allied tanks. The Soviets all retreated. Naturally, the Germans didn’t destroy them. They all stayed there waiting for the Italian army to come back and receive the results. After they killed them, the tanks suddenly launched and fired at their fragile rear armor! That’s not to say, Germany * * is in chaos, and they are yelling about what’s going on. When Italian tanks fired at us, rows of heavy artillery shells smashed up. Leopard 2a4 tanks exploded in the phalanx, and many tanks were directly hit by turrets and turned into a pile of four splash fragments. The German casualties soared to the artillery radar, giving the result that the fourth grenadier division commander spit out an old blood and fired at them without a "Palmaria" type 155mm howitzer! Germany and Italy have jointly developed the third generation of self-propelled artillery, and they are still familiar with the parameters of Palmaria self-propelled artillery. It is because they are familiar with them that they vomit blood! Your mother threw a whole howitzer battalion to the Soviet noodle army like this. You are cruel!
The fourth grenadier division deserves to be a German powerhouse. Two tank companies are responsible for cleaning up those damn rams. The heavy artillery battalion began to suppress the Soviet artillery. After all, it was just seized and equipped. After giving the Germans five minutes, they can regain the initiative!
It’s a pity that the Soviet army won’t give them a shot for five minutes, even five seconds. The 22nd Guards Infantry Division started to fight back. From retreating to fighting back, there was no trace of stagnation. It was only natural that those who had experienced many battles could see this scene. The fourth grenadier division knew that it was necessary to be extremely energetic to deal with the enemy. Then the Soviet tanks were less left-wing and the muzzle of the high-pressure smoothbore gun burst into flames, illuminating one by one. The long tail of 13 mm caliber was steadily shelled and the armor-piercing bullets flashed with loops at the initial speed of 2 m/s. There is no doubt that the turret of the hit Leopard 2a4 tank rolled and flew, which made the armored personnel inside experience the general feeling of flying ———————— The Soviet army seized more than 30 69a main battle tanks and some supporting ammunition in a series of brutal wars. The Soviet commander was very interested in this fierce tank, and even if the wreckage of the turret was torn off, he managed to send it back to China for research. After nine years, the Soviet army successfully repaired 25 vehicles and handed them over to the most elite troops together with the land fire platform. It sent a deadly roar to the German leopard. The cruel facts told the Germans that your tanks were armored. Our 13mm high-pressure smoothbore gun fired the super-fast armor-piercing projectile, and the charge before it was watermelon-level!