Among the five people, there are two silver four orders, one of which is the young man, and the other three also have second-order and third-order strength.

They approached cautiously in an arc.
Although several people did not show goodwill, Zhou Jia turned to his heart and finally met one of his own.
"Not bad!" And after a pause he primly way
"My two friends found out that Dijiabao had already betrayed the Lord Dijiabao of Tianyuan League and took refuge in the dark mother emperor, but they have been forbearing, even if they have a great plan."
"I wonder if there is any news from Luan Luocheng?"
Count on time
If Miao Gan hadn’t had an accident, it would have been good for Li Baoxin to save his life.
"What?" Smell speech bearer face a change.
"How is it possible that Dijiabao betrayed Tianyuan League?"
"It’s true!" Zhou Jia’s eyes suddenly flashed.
"Haven’t you asked?"
"Say" young people hand over
"Ma Qi"
"Ma Qi?" Zhou Jia is thoughtful.
"But Ma Jiaqi Gong face to face?"
"It is" Ma Qi nodded diffuseness way
"I’m not familiar with the situation here and I don’t know Zhou Xiong’s name when I first came to the front line, but my sister Zhou Xiong should know her, right?"
"Dare not" Zhou Jia hurriedly motioning with his hand.
"It’s also a coincidence that Miss Ma is responsible for the scope of inspection. Zhou and others have been adjacent to each other for a few times. Miss Ma’s dashing charm makes people admire."
"Really?" Ma Qi habitually smiled and then his face changed and his eyes were worried
"My sister seems to be returning to Dijiabao. Brother Zhou will fly with me. We will get the news back to Luan as soon as possible, and it will change if it is late."
"Yes" Zhou Jia should fly near.
"Please, gentlemen"
"Quick" Ma Qi flew head-on and reached for a lead.
"Fly with me"
When he spoke, his sleeve trembled and the light was smeared, and he leaned out of it in lightning speed and rushed towards Zhou Jia’s throat.
His panic-stricken face was cold and chilly.
Dark soul thorn!
This thing is refined from the spikes of the tail vertebrae of several silver fierce beasts taken by the strong men of Ma family, and it is highly toxic when it comes out.
Once stabbed, even the seventh-order silver will faint.
Fourth order …
A cup of tea will melt a pool of strong water
The distance between the two people is less than three feet, which is almost visible in the eyes of silver experts. It is impossible for them to escape.
(just) as expected/anticipated
The dark soul stabbed straight into Zhou Jia’s throat.
But before Ma Qi was happy, his peers panicked and roared.
"Look out!"
"Be careful!"
Be careful of what?
Ma Qi’s face was vacant, and he saw Zhou Jia’s figure twisted and scattered before him, and silk mercerized and disappeared.
Two places at once
Not good!
His heart jumped and he was about to urge the source force, but he found that he could not perceive that the source force was his own body
Everything in my eyes is out of order.
A straight head body caught his eye.
So …
It’s my body
an instant
Eternal darkness completely submerge his consciousness.
the other side
Zhou Jia’s incarnation, streamer flying, retreating and attacking many attacks.
He knew it was wrong.
Good and evil characteristics: a few people have only a faint yellow awn, but when he talked about Dijiabao’s betrayal of Tianyuan Alliance,
The yellow mountain of Ma Qi and others suddenly turned red.
They are from Dijiabao, too?